12    Zai bintguanv (2) /在宾馆(二)
/In the Hotel (2)
133. Xz klivzd zhgllivd fagljant ma?

   May I do the turn-down service for you now?
  134. (Ni) Neg go 1 xsh lai ma?
能过一小时来吗/ Could you com back in one hour?
  135. (Uo) Neg huankd gk fagljant ma?
   能换个房间吗/ Can you change the room for me?
  136. (Uo) Huankd gk liagkmdx dian de.
   换个亮点的。/ Please get me a brighter one.
  137. Dsh haovxagkfd iu maolbigk.
   电视好像有毛病/ I'm afraid there's something wrong with the TV.

138. Shuiv logltoul zog ditdl shuiv.
   水龙头总滴水/ The water tap drips all the time.

  139. Uo mn mavshagkf pai rnl lai xiutd.
   我们马上派人来修。 /
We'll send someone to repair it immediately.
  140. Bintguanv li iu yllkd chaglsov ma?
Is there any place in the hotel where we can amuse ourselves?
  141. Itfs loul iu gk yllkd zhogtxint.
There is a recreation centre on the ground floor.
  142. Qgvd unkjd (Ni mn) iu iao xvd de itfulb ma?
   请问有要洗的衣服吗? / Excuse me. Have you any laundry?
  143. Zhe jankml maol it iao iogkjd lgvdx shuiv shouv xvd.
I'd like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water.
  144. Shm shlhouk qyvd ne?
   什么时候取呢/ When can I have my laundry back?


 1, Janlxevmd/简写/Abbreviation
     xz=xankzaiksr/现在/now go=guokmxqd//
to spend; etc. dsh=diankshikq/电视/TV. zog=zogvfmxd//all the time; etc.  pai=paikmdl/派/send; etc.
 2, go 1 xsh——结构词组/Constructions Phrases
 3, 134,135,136
——省略句/ Elliptical Sentences