14    Zai cantguanv/在餐馆(二)
In a Restaurant (2)
157. (Ni) Qgvd zokbd ba.
Sit down please.
  158. (Uo) Qgvd Dj chagld chagld Skchuant caik.
   请大家尝尝四川菜。 /
Let's try some Sichuan food.
  159. Skchuant caik uikr noglx ern lakxd.
   四川菜味浓而辣。 /
Sichuan food has a strong and hot taste.
  160. (Ni mn) Htd dian Shm ne?
   喝点什么呢? /
What would you like to drink?
  161. (Ni mn) Hui iogjd kuaikzv ma?
   会用筷子吗? /
Can you use chopsticks?

162. Zhe gk jaokjd yl xagtmx rouk stml.
It is called shredded meat in chilli sauce.

  163. Zhe gk shi tagl cuk yl.
It is sweet and sour fish.
  164. Zhe shi malmxd pl doukfuvw.
This one is Mapo beancurd.
  165. (Ni mn) Chagld chagld Zhe gk, (Tt) Znm iagk?
Here, try this. How is it?
  166. (Zhe gk) Hao chtd, zhn lakxd!
   好吃,真辣! /
It's good. It's spicy.
  167. (Ni mn) Zaikf chtd dian ba, (Zh) hailf iu hao do ne .
  再吃点吧,还有好多呢。 /
Do have some more, there's plenty left.
  168. Xekd xekd, (Uo) chtd baovx le.
No, thanks. I'm very full.

 1, Janlxevmd/简写/Abbreviation
     hui=huikmzd//can;  etc. 
Znm=znvmet/怎么/how   zhn=zhentfmx//really; etc.
 2, 157, 158, 160, 161, 165, 166, 167, 168——主语省略句/ Elliptical Sentences of Subject