16    Goukd uk/购物(二)
Shopping (2)
181. Zhe xe maikd deb hv kuaikfx.
这些卖得很快They sell very well.
  182. (Tt) shi Shm liaokzv de?
   是什么料子的?/ What's the material?
  183. (Tt) shi chunlx iagldw maol de.
   是纯羊毛的。/ It's made of pure wool.
  184. (Zhe) shi Shm pailzv?
   是什么牌子?/ What is the brand?
  185. Zhe shi zui xntfx iagkshk.
这是最新样式/ It's of the latest models.

186. Zhe jankml itfulb Ni chuantd hv hlshkx.
 这件衣服你穿很合适。/ This one looks very good on you.

  187. (Tt shi) Dosh qanlml?
/ How much is it?
  188. Zhe jankml (shi) sants baivs yuan.
 这件三百元/ This one is three hundred yuan.
  189. (Tt ) Tai guikx le!
   太贵了!/ That's expensive!
  190. (Tt) Neg zaikf pianlilmxd xe ma?
   能再便宜些吗?/ Would you give me a discount?
  191. (Tt) Ivjgtf shi da go zshelt de le.
   已经是打过折的了。/ This is a discount price.
  192. (Ni) Bu iao jiu suankfd le.
 不要就算了/ Take it or leave it.

 1, Janlxevmd/简写/Abbreviation
//very zui=zuikf//most (adv.);  etc. zshelt=zheltmd, sheld//discount;  etc.  
 2, 182, 183, 184, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192——
省略句/ Elliptical Sentences