23 Kan big/看病
Seeing the Doctor
265.(Ni) Znm la?
   怎么啦?/ What’s wrong?
  266.Uo fatshaotd le.
   我发烧了。/ I’ve got a fever.
  267.Uo de beib togkfx.
我的背痛/I’ve got a pain in my back.
  268.Uo toul togkfx deb likhaikmx.
   我头痛得厉害。/ I have a bad headache.
  269.Uo ganvjyelmd hv nanlshoukx.
   我感觉很难受。/ I really feel terrible.

270.Uo Shm ievf bu xagvd chtd.
   我什么也不想吃。/ I don’t feel like eating anything.

  271.Ni iv qanl deb go Zhe big ma?
   你以前得过这病吗?/ Did you ever suffer from it before?
  272.Uo gei Ni liag itfs xa xyek ia.
I’ll have your temperature taken.
  273.Xyek ia bivjd zhgkchaglfx gao hv do.
   血压比正常高很多。/ Your blood pressure is well above normal.
  274.Uo tigtd itfs xa feikjp int.
我听一下肺音/ Let me sound your lungs.
  275.Buliogkfd zhao X gw ma?
不用照X光吗? / Don’t you think you should take X-rays?
  276.(Ni) Chtd Uo gei Ni kai de iaok, do htd shuiv.
   Take the medicine I’ve prescribed and drink more water.

 1, Janlxevmd/简写/Abbreviation
/back of the body; etc.  ia=iatmd//pressure; etc.big=bigkmd//illness; etc. zhao=zhaokjmd//illuminate; etc. gw=gwtfmxd//light; etc.
  2, iv qanl/以前/before