28  Tanld zhliek/谈职业
Talking about Job
325.Ni zai Nar gz?
   你在哪儿工作?/ Where do you work?
  326. Uo zai itfs jat ityank gz.
我在一家医院工作。/I work at a hospital.
  327. ( Uo) Zai iuljyl (gz) .
   在邮局。 /I work in the Post Offices.
  328. Ni zokd Shm gz?
   你做什么工作?/ What do you do?

329. Uo shi che gogtb.
   我是车工。/I'm a turner.

  330. Ta shi shekjkmd sht.
   他是设计师。/He is a designer.
  331. Ni de yek gogtzt shi Dosh?
   你的月工资是多少?/How much do you get per month?
  332. Uo de shoutrukmd hv ditxd.
   我的收入很低。/ I have very low income.
  333. Ta shi itsgt haish hukshkg?
   他是医生还是护士?/Is he a doctor or nurse?
  334. Ni (shi) Shm shlhouk cantjatd gz de?
   你什么时候参加工作的?/When did you begin to work?
  335. Ni de shagkstm Znmiag?
   你的上司怎么样?/How is your boss?
  336. Uo miglnianl tuikxiutd.
    我明年退休。/I will retire next year.


 1, Janlxevmd/简写/
gz=gogtzokmd/工作/ work; job    haish=hailshkfd/还是/or 
 2, yvint/语音/

zhgkfuv/政府/government jtguant/机关/office; etc. bukmnl /部门/department gogtantm/公安/police security shuikukc/税务/tax administration inlhagl/银行/bank bao shek/报社/newspaper office iuljyl/邮局/post offices uaikmaokb/外贸/foreign trade chglguanvm/城管/urban management fagl chan/房产/house property gogtchagvb/工厂/factory gs=gogtst/公司/company shagtdiankb/商店/store chaotshik/超市/supermarket bintguanv/宾馆/hotel cantguanv/餐馆/restaurant shagtiek/商业/commerce  tievluk/铁路/railway, xyelxaok/学校/school ityank/医院/hospital