30  Tanllunkd zhukqd zhv/谈论住址
Talking About
349.Ni zhukqd zai Nar?
   你住在哪儿? /Where do you live?
  350.Uo jat zai noglcunt.
   我家在农村。/My home is in the country.
  351.Ni xz zhukqd zai chegl li ma?
Do you live here in city, now?
  352.Uo zhukqd zai dogt qyt nv erl jat li.
    I live on the East Area with my daughter.
  353.Uo mn yanllailfmx zhukqd zai jaotqyt.
   我们原来住在郊区。/We lived in the suburbs.

354.Uo zhukqd zai hua yanlc chegl erks dogkl sants dantyanlm 602 haok.
   I live in 602#, unit 3, building 2,“Garden City” community.

  355.Uo mn shi zutd de fagl zv.
   我们是租的房子。/We live in a rented room.
  356.Oklh, Uo mn shi linljytm.
   哦,我们是邻居。/Oh, We are neighbors.

  357.Ni mn shi Nar rnl?
   你们是哪儿人?/ Where are you from?
  358.Uo mn shi Tailuant rnl.
   我们是台湾人。/My family is from Taiwan.
  359.Uo mn shi uaik di rnl.
   我们是外地人。/We are outlanders.

  360.Uo mn lai liagvsl nian le.
   我们来两年了。/ we've lived here for two years.

 1,dogt qyt nv erl jat li
——组合名词/Combined Noun
hua yanlc chegl erks dogkl sants dantyanlm 602 haok——组合名词/Combined Noun