32  Biankbield rnl/辨别人
Identifying People
373.Ni mat mat zai Nar?
   你妈妈在哪儿?/Where is your mother?
  374.(Te) Zai Nk biantfm, (Ni) kankjankd le ma?
   在那边,看见了吗?/ Over there. See?
  375.(Te shi) Chuantd bai qynlq zv de Nk gk (rnl) ma?
   穿白裙子的那个吗?/ The one with the white dress?
  376.Nk gk nv hailr shi Sh?
   那个女孩是谁?/ Who is that girl?
  377.(Ni unkjd) Na gk nv hailr?
   哪个女孩?/ Which girl

378.(Ni unkjd) Zokbd zh (de) Nk gk ma?
   坐着那个吗?/ Is she sitting?

  379.(Ni unkjd) Zov biantfm (de) Nk gk ma?
   左边那个吗?/ Is she on the left?
  380.(Ni) Kankjankd Nk gk nl de (rnl) mei iu?
   看见那个男的没有?/ See that man?

  381.(Ni unkjd) Na gk nl de?
   哪个男的?/ Which man?
  382.(Uo unkjd) Nk gk gao gkr de.
     那个高个儿的。/ He's the tall one.
  383.(Uo unkjd) Zai nv hailr houk mian (de) Nk gk.
    在女孩后面那个。/He's behind that girl.

  384.Ta shi Uo de Lsh.
   他是我的老师。/ He's my teacher.

  Nar=naverl/哪儿/where Na gk=nav gkl/哪个/which Nk gk=nak gkl/