33  Tanllunkd itzholm/谈论衣着
Talking about Thing to Wear
385.Ni davsuankmd chuantd Shm itfulb?
   你打算穿什么衣服?/What are you going to wear?
  386.(Uo) Jiu chuantd chnkit he niulxdw zaiv kukq.
   就穿衬衣和牛仔裤。/Just my shirt and jeans.
  387.(Uo) Chuantd xntfx maivd de jalkkq he lanlx kukq zv.
   I think I’ll wear my new jacket and blue trousers.
  388.Huitwx jalkkq peikxd shntfmx lanlx kukq zv hv xeltiaolxd.
   The gray jacket and dark blue trousers are a good match.
  389.(Uo) Chuantd Nk tao lanlx itfulb, xgld ma?
   I'm going to wear my blue suit. Is that all right?

390.Ni chuantd lanlx sek (itfulb) zhn hao kan!
  你穿蓝色真好看!/You look wonderful in blue.

  391.Uaik it he qynlq zv hv xagtpeikx.
   外衣和裙子很相配。/The coat matches the dress.
  392.(Ni chuantd) Zhe tao itfulb deb chuantd gao gn xelq.
   I think I should wear high heels with this dress.

  393.Zhe xelq ivjgtf bu neg chuantd le.
   这鞋已经不能穿了。/The shoes are worn-out.
  394.Uo bu xvhuantxd chuantd xt fu.
   I don't like wearing Western-style clothes.
  395.Ni zui hao chuantd shag jalkkq.
   你最好穿上夹克。/You'd better put on your jacket.

  396.(Ni) Bie wkd le daikwd shag yvb it.
   Don't forget to take your raincoat along.

 1, Janlxevmd/简写/Abbreviation
/套/set; deb=delzqd/得/must    gn=gntjmnd/跟/heel; etc.    wk=uagk

  2, Fulzhwt/服装/Garments:
  maokq zv/帽子/cap; toul jntc/头巾/kerchief; uild jntc/围巾/scarf; ligvdaikq/领带/tie;  beikxntq/背心/vest; neik it/内衣/underskirt; uaik it/外衣/garments; uaiktaokq/外套/coat; zhkfulmd/制服/uniform; biankfx fu/便服/everyday clothes; qynlq zv/裙子/skirt; lian it qynlq/连衣裙/dress; nl shk dakfx it/男式大衣/overcoat; nv dakfx it/女大衣/coat; pil dakfx it/皮大衣/fur coat; qilb paol/旗袍/cheong-sam; fgt it/风衣/dust coat; iuliogvd kukq/游泳裤/bathing trunks; duanvxd kukq/短裤/knickers; liagldx xelq/凉鞋/sandals; biankfx xelq/便鞋/casual shoes; totd xelq/拖鞋/slipper; lyviuld xelq/旅游鞋/travelling shoes; ynkdogkmd xelq/运动鞋/sneaker; uakq zv/袜子/socks; iuliogvd it/游泳衣/bathing costume; uild qynlq/围裙/apron; xyet zv/靴子/boot; xelq/鞋/shoe; xelq div/鞋底/sole; xelq houk gn/鞋后跟/heel; xelq daikwd/鞋带/lace; shouv pak/手帕/handkerchief; shouv tao/手套/glove