34  Zutd fagl(1)/租房(一)
Renting a House(1)

Zai faglut zhogtjekm gs / 在房屋中介公司/ At the housing intermediary companies

397.Ni hao, (Nin) xagvd iao kan fagl ma?
   你好,想要看房吗?/ Good morning. May I help you? 
  398.(Ni mn) Iu chutzutd de fagl zv ma?
   Do you have any apartments for rent right now?
  399.(Ni mn) Doutf iu Shm hukml xgl?
   都有什么户型?/What kind of apartment do you have?
  400.Ni xagvd iao Jv shkc de?
   你想要几室的?/How many rooms are you looking for?
  401.(Uo iao) Liagvsl shkc itfs tigt de.
   两室一厅的。/I want an apartment with two bedrooms and a sitting room.

402.(Uo iao) Daikwd jat jykb de.
   带家具的。/I want to rent a furnished house.

  403.Zhe tao jiu bulcokx.
   这套就不错。/It's a nice apartment.
  404.Uikzhkm hv hao.
   位置很好。/The house has a very good position.

  405.(Tt) Shi Dosh piglmivl de?
   是多少平米的?/How many square meters is that?
  406.(Tt) Dakyetfx iu 90 piglmivl.
   大约有90平米。/About ninety square meters.
  407.Zutd jntw shi Dosh (qanlml)?
   租金是多少?/How much is the rent?

  408.Itfs gk yek (shi) liagvsl qants (yuan).
   一个月两千。/2000 yuan a month.

 1, Janlxevmd/简写/Abbreviation
   yuan=yanlml/元/yuan; etc 

 2, Jat jykg/家具/Furniture:
  uanv guik/碗柜/cupboard cant zhot/餐桌/dining table ivc zv/椅子/chair jiuv guik/酒柜/gradevin shutbd xvd tail/梳洗台/bathroom vanity ykcd gagtc/浴缸/bathtub maol jntc jab/毛巾架/towel rack mavdw togvb/马桶/closestool shatfatq/沙发/sofa shwtxl rnl shatfatq chwl/双人沙发床/double function sofa-bed chaljtq/茶几/end table piglfgtq/屏风/sreen dsh guik/电视柜/TV cabinet di tanv/地毯/carpet xelq guik/鞋柜/shoe cabinet shwtxl rnl chwl/双人床/double-bed it guik/衣柜/wardrobe shutzhwtd tail/梳妆台/dressing table chwl toul guik/床头柜/beside table chwl diankwd/床垫/mattress it maokq jab/衣帽架/coat stand chuantd it jgkq/穿衣镜/dressing mirror chwt lianlq/窗帘/curtain xevd zk tail/写字台/secretaire zheldield ivc/折叠椅/folding chair shut guik/书柜/bookcase