36  Zhaovjd gz(1)
找工作(一)/Job Search(1)
421.Qgvd unkjd Wl jgtlivm zai ma?
   请问王经理在吗?/May I see Wang,the manager?
  422.Uo jiu shi, Ni iu Shm shkr?
   我就是,你有什么事?/It's me.What can I do for you?
  423.Nin hao, Wl jgtlivm, Uo shi lai mian shkd de.
   Nice to meet you,Wang,the managerI have come at your invitation for an interview.
  424.(Ni) Qgvd zokbd, Ni shi Zhag ykw qnl?
   Please sit down.Is your name Zhang Yuqin?
  425.Shi de, (Uo) zhn gaotxgkxd Uo neg lai mian shkd.
   Yes.I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview.

426.Ni daikwd shntfnk zhgk lai le ma?
   你带身份证来了吗?/Have you brought your ID card?

  427.(Uo) Daikwd le, (Uo) hailf iu bikiekdm zhgk.
    This is my ID card.This is my diploma.
  428.Ni xz zhukqd Nali?
   你现在住哪里?/What's your present address?

  429.Ni Xs zokd Shm gz ?
   你先生做什么工作?/What does your husband do?
  430.Ta shi gogtukc yanlg.
   他是公务员。/He works for the government.
  431.Ni iu xaovfx hailr ma?
   你有小孩吗?/Do you have any children?

  432.Uo erl zv (shi) sants suikl do, (Ta) iulj Uo muvqnt zhaokliaokd.
   My son is over three.He is looked after by my mother.

 1, Janlxevmd/简写/Abbreviatio
  mian=miankwxdl//face; etc chan=chankmd/产/property; etc di=dik/地/land; etc dui=duikjmxdl/对/to; etc so=sovfml/所/organization; etc.

 2, Qviek miglchgt/企业名称/Company Name:
  Zhgkqyank gs/证券公司/ Securities Agency
  Gwvgaokm gs/广告公司/ Advertising Agency
  Chuvynkd gs/储运公司/ Storage and Transportation Company
  Qkchet peikjank gs/汽车配件公司/ Automobile Parts Company
  Jatiogkmx diankqkb gs/家用电器公司/ Household Electric Appliance Company
  Jankzhukmd gogtchgl gs/建筑工程公司/ Building Engineering Company
  Huakgogtb gogtiek gs/化工工业公司/ Chemical Industry Company
  Jankzhukmd cailliaok gs/建筑材料公司/ Building Material Company
  Dui uaik zhanllanvd gs/对外展览公司/ Exhibition Agency for Foreign Countries
  Jit diank antzhwtd gs/机电安装公司/ Electrical Installing Company
  Dui uaik maokikm gs/对外贸易公司/ Foreign Trade Corporation
  Zutlinkd iuvxankx gs/租赁有限公司/ Leasing Company Ltd
  Xnkdaikm toulztmd gs/信贷投资公司/ Loan Investment Company
  Uaik lun daiklivd gs/外轮代理公司/ Ocean Shipping Agency
  Fagl di chan kaitfatd gs/房地产开发公司/ Real Estate Development Company
  Haiv uaik jgtjkmx maokikm gs/海外经济贸易公司/ Overseas Economic Trading Company
  Shuiv chan jin chu kouv gs/水产进出口公司/ Aquatic Products Import and Export Corporation
  Tievluk dui uaik fulukd gs/铁路对外服务公司/ Railway Foreign Service Corporation
  Jin chu kouv shagtpinv janviankd gs/进出口商品检验公司
   / Import and Export Commodities Inspection Corporation
  Liagl iou qit hok jaotikd so/粮油期货交易所/ Cereals and Oil Futures Exchange