37  Zhaovjd gz(2)
找工作(二)/Job Search(2)
433.Ni xz zokd Shm gz ?
   What kind of work are you doing now?
  434.(Uo zokd ) Rnlshkm buk zhulguanvmd.
   人事部主管。/I am in charge of the personnel office.
  435.Ni ui Shm iao lilkaitd ne?
   你为什么要离开呢?/What was your reason for leaving?
  436.Gz daokshkf bulcokx, jiu shi gogtzt tai ditxd le.
   The work is not bad.Yet the salary is too small.
  437.Ni de zui dakfx chaglchuk shi Shm?
   你的最大长处是什么?/What is your greatest strength?

438.Uo xagvd shi xvhuantxd chwkxntd.
   I suppose a strong point is that I like developing new things and ideas.

  439.Ni neg shgkrnkxd Zhe gk zhluik ma?
   你能胜任这个职位吗?/Are you able to take this job?
  440.(Zh) Haoluld unktil.
   毫无问题。/No problem for me.

  441.Ni xz de gogtzt shi Dosh?
   你现在的工资是多少?/How about your present pay?
  442.Uo Mv yek gogtzt jatd jnttietmd he jagvjntm dakyetfx
    3,800(sants qants bats baivs) yuan.
   I am paid plus some allowance and bonus that comes to about 3,800 yuan per month.
  443.Uo mn neg gei Ni itfs gk yek 5,000(uvs qants) yuan.
   我们能给你一个月5,000 元。
   We can offer you 5,000 yuan per month.

  444.Hao, Nk Uo hv manvikxd le.
   Well,it is quite satisfactory.I accept it.

 1, Janlxevmd/简写/Abbreviatio
  ui=uikljd/为/because; etc daob=daokvfd/倒/(indicating concession); etc Mv=Meiv/每/every bx=baolxanvfmxd/保险/insurance; etc ja=jakvmx/假/holiday; etc 
 2, Gs fullikb /公司福利/ Company Benefits:
  iagllaovdm bx/养老保险/endowment insurance itliaolm bx/医疗保险/medical insurance shtiekdm bx/失业保险/unemployment insurance gogtshagt bx/工伤保险/employment injury insurance sgtykd bx/生育保险/maternity insurance zhukfagl gogtjtjntm/住房公积金/housing provident fund 
 daikwd xnt nian ja/带薪年假/paid annual leave uld xnt ja/无薪假/unpaid leave shkr ja/事假/casual leave big ja/病假/sick leave chan ja/产假/maternity leave
 gz shljant/工作时间/company time jatd xnt/加薪/salary raise koukd xnt/扣薪/dock pay nian xnt/年薪/annual pension jagvjntm/奖金/bonus nian zhogt jagvmd/年终奖/year-end bonus jatd bant feib/加班费/overtime pay jatd bant/加班/work overtime yanlgogtb kaovhld/员工考核/evaluation of employee jkxaokb gogtzt/绩效工资/merit pay shuik qanl xntshuivm/税前薪水/before-tax salary sovdlmd shuik/所得税/income tax shuik houk jgkfx xnt/税后净薪/after-tax salary