39  Jekd iant/戒烟
Smoking Cessation
457.Ni jntt jyeldld hao xe le ma?
   你今天觉得好些了吗?/Are you feeling better today?
  458.Ush klxd deb hv likhaikx.
   晚上咳得很厉害。/I coughed a lot in the evening.
  459.Ni zui hao bav iant jekd le.
   你最好把烟戒了。/You’d better give up smoking.
  460.Uo fatxankd hv nan jekd.
I found it very hard to break the cigarette habit.
  461.Ni shxn igtkzd xa jyelxntfm.
   你首先应下决心。/You should make up your mind first.

462.Hao, Uo shkd shkd.
   好,我试试。/Well, I’ll try it.

  463.Ni bu jekd iant , big shi nan zhkd hao de.
   If you don't stop smoking you cannot be cured of the disease.
  464.Uo xa jyelxntfm jekd.
   我下决心戒。/I resolved to give up smoking.
  465.Uo qyknianl jiu jekd diaokd le.
   我去年就戒掉了。/I gave it up last year.
  466.Uo jekd iant houk shnttiv hao do le.
   My health is much improved sinceIgave up smoking.
  467.Chaglfx xitd iant de rnl iu huankmd feikjp ail de uitxanvmx.
   People who smoke a lot are in danger of suffering from lung cancer.
  468.Uiklekjn Zj he Ta rnl de jankkagtx, duz igtkzd jekd iant.
   All the smokers should give up smoking for the sake of their own and others’ health.

 1, Janlxevmd/简写/Abbreviatio
   jntt=jnt tiant/今天/
today    shxnshouvxantfn/首先/first 

 2, uiklekjn Zj he Ta rnl de jankkagtxbav iant——介词词组/Prepositional Phrases